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I am using STM32F7 series. I created httpd server ethernet project. I have web code which html,css,js. But my microcontrollers memory not enough for these codes. I need to use SD Card.

Associate III

I need to put it my web codes (html, css, js) to SD Card. Also These codes need to work on SD Card. Because my web codes memory size is around 300MB. Normally I worked my code (basic html files) without SD Card. It needs converting to fsdata.c files. I have 'makeFSdata.exe' file. When I change to HTML codes, I click and work .exe file. Then build my project.

How is it possible with SD Card? All web site folders need to work on SD Card.

ST Employee

Hello there,

Are you using on an STM32 provided board or your own custom PCB? Did you check for example projects for when servers and interfacing with uSD cards?

Some inspiration:


It didn't help to me

also this is my designed board

Should be possible to integrate SDMMC and FATFS support, and get the serving routines to pull the data from files directly rather than the fsdata methods.​

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Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Also note that all decent browsers understand compression. Large static files can be stored in compressed form and sent out as is.