2020-06-06 11:42 AM
I have a project with the STM32L053R8.
So far, so good, it works. Now I wanted to use __LL_ADC_CALC_TEMPERATURE to get the actual chip temperature - but it is not available in the __LL-list and also not in the include-file.
Can you please tell me, how to include it in the project?
Thank you
2020-06-06 12:34 PM
It's defined in stm32l0xx_ll_adc.h. You need to #include this file. Make sure you're using the correct define (STM32L053xx) since it's not available on all packages.
2020-06-06 10:54 PM
thank you for your message. With the macro I got it working, but an #include "stm32l0xx_ll_adc.h" did not work. Even when I put the file in the core directory, it was not used. May be there is still something wrong.
But in the end CubeIDE is much better then Keil!
Best regards