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How to place a variable at a given absolute address in memory with STM32CubeIDE

Associate II

Hello everyone,

I just migrate from Keil. I can use __attribute__((at(0x6000000))) directive place a variable at a given absolute address ,but how to do this in STM32CubeIDE?



It is generally considered non-portable. You can use the attribute directive and section naming in the linker script of GNU tools.

Consider if you can just use pointers. For larger groups of data, structures.


char *foo = (char *)0x6000000;

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Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have a piece of code , such as


__align(32) u8 mem2base[MEM2_MAX_SIZE] __attribute__((at(0X60000000)));


There is a align directive ,so I don't think I can use the point.

I will use the attribute directive and section naming that you mentioned.



Unless it's a physical special area, it would be better to avoid absolute address, especially when porting to different MCU.

Why such a need?

Associate II

Yes, it's a SRAM address.

Thanks, I solved the issue by changing the link script file, add section directive.

You're providing an absolute address, where you explicitly control the placement.

The __align directive doesn't impact any other usage of the of the variable, as far as I'm aware

u8 *mem2base = (u8 *)0x60000000;

would have materially the same effect, and be accessible in the same way, ie printf("%02X\n", mem2base[123]);

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oh, I see, this is the simpler way,


Associate II

@Community member​ 

I'm tryna use this method of pointers, but how can I use this pointer to point to a variable?

It would be good if you post it with an example.

It's a pointer method, it works the way pointers do, perhaps K&R chapter on such things?

typedef struct _CONFIG_STRUCT {
  uint32_t a;
  uint32_t b;
  uint32_t c[12];
  uint32_t checksum;
CONFIG_STRUCT *cfg = (CONFIG_STRUCT *)0x60001000;
cfg->checksum = 1234;
cfg->a = 1;
cfg->b = 2;
printf("%d\n", cfg->b);
int foo = cfg->a;

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Associate II

@Community member​ 

Thanks for the example. But this does not work if I'm giving the address as the initial address of the RAM and If I declare any global variable, it gets over written on the same address