2020-11-27 3:12 AM
Many thanks in advance to help me. And sorry if my question is stupid.
I tried to add EEPROM emulation to my NUCLEO Dev board (L476RG). I wasn't able to add this middle ware via the cubeIDE. After that I seen that it is for cubeMX, I tried to but didn't succeed neither.
I' tried to download and manual install it from manage software pack --> From local for both of the tools (cubeMX and cubeIDE). But it didn"t work...
So, is it compatible with my board ? (seems ok from my side)
is it compatible with cubeIDE ? if so, do you have a step by step guide to add it to my project ?
Anyway, thanks for your help.
2020-11-27 4:45 AM
Which MW are you exactly intending to use ? Could you share a pointer to (hyperlink to pack source) ?
First guess software pack manager is right path but maybe some help more if sharing details of your pack.
2020-11-29 10:37 PM
Hi, for sure ! This is EEPROM emulation.
You can find the MW module here :
Thanks for your reply !
2020-11-30 6:31 AM
It appears this pack is most probably not STM32CubeMX automation compliant yet (no .pdsc file at such pack root).
Best about is either to start from embedded example X-CUBE-EEPROM_V3.0.0\Projects\STM32L4\EEPROM_Emul\STM32CubeIDE\STM32L476G-Discovery or most probably to start a brand new project and rely on some copy paste to extract most valuable material from if you are intending to improve this project moving to your own app.
2020-11-30 6:42 AM
Ok, i'll try to do my best with this.
Thanks for you confirmation.
2020-11-30 7:50 AM
Hello @Community member
may you please try with the latest STM32CubeMX v6.1.0?
Go to Help->Manage embedded software packages, switch to STMicroelectronics TAB, and you should be able to download and install the X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 package.
Best regards,
2020-11-30 9:52 AM
@Luca Celetto So you confirm X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 is same as X-CUBE-EEPROM ? ... not so obvious to me to be honest ...
Each is having its own dedicated page:
X-CUBE-EEPRMA1 - Standard I²C and SPI EEPROM software expansion for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics
X-CUBE-EEPROM - EEPROM emulation expansion software for STM32Cube - STMicroelectronics
2020-11-30 11:52 AM
Obviously no...
2020-12-01 12:03 AM
Thanks for you proposition.
I already try... and as @Cartu38 OpenDev & @Piranha say, it's not the same package.
EEPROM emulation is for simulating EEPROM with embedded flash of the uC and EEPRAM1 are for controlling external EEPROM
And obviously EEPROM emulation is not in the list.
But i succeeded to manually install and compil from one example code.
Strange to have to add HALL and LL but it worked.
And by the way, thanks for your help all of you !
2021-02-15 10:19 PM