2022-04-07 5:33 PM
Where can I download an archive of the GNU Tools for STM32 separate from the STM32Cube IDE?
Alternatively where can I find your open-sourced patches that you list in the information center?
2023-09-06 6:58 AM
@jemason That is exactly what I want to do - create docker images with different versions of the toolchain. It would be great to be able to to that without having to install the whole IDE.
I would consider seperating the build system/process from the IDE good practice. Shouldn't that alone be a good reason for ST to provide the toolchaine binaries as separate downloads?
2023-10-03 1:07 AM
We are also looking for a way of creating a Docker image with the build tools for CI/CD without the whole IDE. Any news on this?
2023-10-03 4:46 AM
Are there any reason why don't use the official precompiled GNU toolchains binaries from ARM?
ARM GNU Toolchains for R/M-Profile (binutils, gcc, newlib) ONLY*:
*) Toolchains only, no STM32 libraries like HAL
2023-10-03 6:02 AM - edited 2023-10-03 6:03 AM
2023-12-10 2:50 AM
ST apply patches to the tool chain - so the official one is not the same as the ST one.
2023-12-13 2:38 AM
To get more visibility and investigate your issue, could you post the question in a new community thread?
2024-03-08 12:38 AM
Any news on this or where can I find the new community thread?
2024-10-07 12:46 AM
Hi, any timeline estimate on when we could download the tools without whole IDE or is this going to even happen? We really need this for Docker builds
2024-10-07 2:28 PM
2024-10-08 1:01 AM
Thanks, but ST apply patches to the tool chain - so the official ARM tool that you link to is not the same as the ST one.
I'm looking for the binaries with the patches applied to use in a Docker image. And it looks like I'm not the only one.