2020-09-13 4:05 AM
I have stm32f76i-disco board. I am trying to run its ethernet and LwIp stack. I have used Stm32CubeIde. I have enabled Etehrnet RMII and FreeRTOs and IWIP with DHCP enabled option. But it is nor working. CubeIde is 1.4.0 and CubeMX is 6.0.0
Is there a working configuration using CubeMX.
2020-09-13 8:03 AM
Always start from some example in the Cube package. They usually work, more or less.
CubeMX is not known for creating working LwIP projects automatically (yet).
-- pa
2020-09-13 8:22 AM
Lets hope that someday examples are based on HAL.
2020-09-13 11:18 AM
These examples are already based on HAL (surprise!)
2020-09-13 11:35 AM
I tried these examples they are working. Normally I prefer to use CubeMX to configure Ethernet and LwIP. This is an issue that ST should solve and prepare a configuration guide for that. Thank you for answer.
2020-09-13 12:21 PM
Hello @MKece.1 ,
What kind of issue you are facing (compilation errors...) ?
I recommend you to debug your project and try to identify where is it sticking.
You can share your ioc file, that will be more easy for users to help/answer you.
Best Regards,
2020-09-13 1:17 PM
2022-03-31 3:13 AM
do you solve the problem?
thank you for helping me:smiling_face_with_heart_eyes:
2024-07-19 7:32 AM
I have same problem on stm32f769i-disco board. I generate the LwIP stack with cubeMX.
I try to integrate the application part of ST example in my project. All ethernet tasks work but I don't have an answer when I ping the board. I don't know where the problem comes from ?