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How to create project for STM32F7 with Ethernet and LwIP stack working

Associate II

I have stm32f76i-disco board. I am trying to run its ethernet and LwIp stack. I have used Stm32CubeIde. I have enabled Etehrnet RMII and FreeRTOs and IWIP with DHCP enabled option. But it is nor working. CubeIde is 1.4.0 and CubeMX is 6.0.0

Is there a working configuration using CubeMX.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Always start from some example in the Cube package. They usually work, more or less.

CubeMX is not known for creating working LwIP projects automatically (yet).

-- pa

Lets hope that someday examples are based on HAL.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

These examples are already based on HAL (surprise!)

Associate II

I tried these examples they are working. Normally I prefer to use CubeMX to configure Ethernet and LwIP. This is an issue that ST should solve and prepare a configuration guide for that. Thank you for answer.

ST Employee

Hello @MKece.1​ ,

What kind of issue you are facing (compilation errors...) ?

I recommend you to debug your project and try to identify where is it sticking.

You can share your ioc file, that will be more easy for users to help/answer you.

Best Regards,


When your question is answered, please close this topic by clicking "Accept as Solution".
Associate II

Hello Imen,

I attached my ioc file. I am using CudeIDE 1.4.2. I selected stm32f769i-disco board and created the project with initial periperial configuration. I enabled IwIP and DHCP also. When I build and run it doesnt get any IP address.

do you solve the problem?

thank you for helping me��


I have same problem on stm32f769i-disco board. I generate the LwIP stack with cubeMX.

I try to integrate the application part of ST example in my project. All ethernet tasks work but I don't have an answer when I ping the board. I don't know where the problem comes from ?