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How to convert array[3] to int and Transmit int via usatr (HAL_UART_Transmit). int y = atoi(str); converting char to int >> didn't work with me

Associate II

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Imagine you're not using an STM32, and just code it in C, perhaps trying building and understanding the equivalent code on a PC?

Do you understand how data is stored in memory?

Do you understand how to do decimal to/from binary, from first principles?

An array[3] of what?

int foo = 1234;

HAL_UART_Transmit(hUART, (uint8_t*)&foo, sizeof(foo), 100); // Send the bytes behind an int

int array[3] = { 1, 2, 3};

HAL_UART_Transmit(hUART, (uint8_t*)array, sizeof(array), 100); // Send the bytes behind an int array

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Imagine you're not using an STM32, and just code it in C, perhaps trying building and understanding the equivalent code on a PC?

Do you understand how data is stored in memory?

Do you understand how to do decimal to/from binary, from first principles?

An array[3] of what?

int foo = 1234;

HAL_UART_Transmit(hUART, (uint8_t*)&foo, sizeof(foo), 100); // Send the bytes behind an int

int array[3] = { 1, 2, 3};

HAL_UART_Transmit(hUART, (uint8_t*)array, sizeof(array), 100); // Send the bytes behind an int array

You looking for itoa() ?

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Chief II

Before programming microcontrollers, one has to learn programming in general and the basics of the C language. Without that there is no chance of developing anything usable or even working at all. One can start here:

And then continue here:

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