2022-08-29 11:31 PM
In gpio.c file the order of operations is first writing to a pin/port and after that defining the pin.
All MCU pins are defined to input low by default. So writing GPIO_PIN_SET to a pin that is input before we set it to be an output PP seems like a bug or rendering order.
Any ideas ?
2022-08-29 11:35 PM
So writing GPIO_PIN_SET to a pin that is input before we set it to be an output PP seems like a bug or rendering order.
GPIO MODER is in output Mode??
2022-08-29 11:40 PM
Sorry I did not understand your question...
2022-09-04 12:25 PM
ODR and BSRR registers can still be read and written regardless or the MODER configuration. And the same is true for reading IDR.