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Hello. How can I measure the length of an indefinite length "uint8_t"? I used sizeof() but it didn't measure correctly



Guillaume K
ST Employee

In your function you are declaring an argument "uint8_t buffer". So that's normal sizeof(buffer) is 1.

Either you declare a pointer to uint8_t as parameter to your function. In that case it's not possible to know the size of the buffer.

Or you declare "uint8_t buffer[1000]" as parameter to your function. You can have correct value for sizeof(buffer). But it will be always 1000 bytes length.


I will enter the buffer information from the user. For example, it can enter 500 bytes of information. I need to know the length. Do you think there is a way to do this?


the int buffer argment should be a pointer probably.

for the sizeof() add another argument to your function called size and when you call the function do (.....,sizeof(buffer))

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The size​ information doesn't follow the pointer.

Y​ou need to use a pointer, not an individual byte, and you need to pass size information via a secondary parameter.

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@ZAHİDE ZEYNEP KURT​ "I will enter the buffer information from the user."

Does that mean it's text entry?

If so, you could make it a string - and then use strlen()...

Or, presumably, you know when the user has finished entering data - so you have the length at that point? As others have said, pass this length to your function.

This is standard C stuff - not specific to STM32.

@Guillaume K​ "declare "uint8_t buffer[1000]" as parameter to your function"

That would still only pass a pointer to the 1st byte of the array; not the size of the whole buffer, and certainly not the used size within the buffer.


should i use the pointer as below?

uint8_t buffer[1000]={

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char *bufferp = &buffer;

int length=sizeof(*bufferp);

printf("buffer total: %c\r\n",*bufferp);

printf("length: %d", length);

"uint8_t buffer[1000]={"

You have the size of the buffer right there!

Why not just do:

#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1000
uint8_t buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH ] = {

Then you have BUFFER_LENGTH available to be used wherever you need it!

That's going to be the size of the pointer.

Pass like

foo (buffer, sizeof (buffer));


void foo (uint8_t *buf, size_t size)


printf ("size %d\n", size);​


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