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FreeRTOS and SEGGER SystemView not working

Benjamin Brammer
Senior II


I am trying to get FreeRTOS and SEGGER SystemView (3.1) to run on an STM32F103RCTx. I used the appropriate manual from SEGGER to include all the necessary folders in my project. Although I have included all the new folders in the Include Paths I get the following error when compyling:


When searching for help with google, I often read that I have to update the Linker to see this new folder as a library. When I do so in the C/C++ settings I get the following error:


does anybody know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix this problem?


Giulio Dalla Vecchia
Associate II

Hello Benjamin,

I have the same problem! But if you have a look well in file "SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h", no one preprocessor macros are defined probably. So, in my case there aren't any __ARM_ARCH_'V'__ defined. (I'm working with a STM32F302CB with STM32CubeIDE)

I hope some ST Member can help us to solve the problem.