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Hi all,I'm trying to execute some code in interrupt mode (blinking a LED) while the MCU (STM32H725) is erasing a flash sector (obviously that is not used by the application). I've moved the vector table to RAM (0x240000000) and also the ISR function,...
Hi ST Team,I'm working on a project where I'm using SBSFU as bootloader (on a STM32H7). When I download the new firmware image, SBSFU reboot the system and start execution (decrypting image, validating and so on...). While SBSFU is doing these action...
Hi ST Team,I'm working on a project with STM32CubeIDE and STM32F302 as target. I'm trying to add Segger System View but the preprocessor macro (__ARM_ARCH_7__) is missing.This preprocessor macro should be defined by IDE in base on the MCU target.Cou...
Hi everyone,Sometime when I try to connect the module to a exsisting WiFi network I receive the following string from the module:+WIND:0:Console active+WIND:32:WiFi Hardware Started+WIND:21:WiFi Scanning+WIND:35:WiFi Scan Complete (0xFF)+WIND:5:WiFi ...
Hi,I have a problem with SPWF01SA WiFi module with FW 3.6. The module is connected to a WiFi network, generated by a router (STAtion Mode), with active DHCP. A socket server is opened on port 80. I have seen that after a day the module IP is changed ...