2022-06-22 11:29 AM
I am using 2 separate workspaces, one which I created some years ago with an older version (workspace #1), and a newer one (workspace #2). Recently I imported an older project into workspace #1, and I am encountering the issue that the file tabs are broken when I open several files. When I hover the cursor over the tabs, then the tabs become blank, see attached screen shot. The issue does not occur when switching to workspace #2. I tried to re-initialize the workspace #1 by deleting the metadata and re-importing the project, but it did not help. I did not try to re-create the project from scratch, because that is a lot of work. Is there anything in the workspace or the project which can cause this erratic behavior of the IDE?
2022-06-22 11:27 PM
Hello there,
Just so I get a clear understanding, you imported an older project into the old workspace (workspace #1) and that old project was never used with the old workspace previously?
Are there different versions of STM32CubeIDE using these two different workspaces?
In the workspace you have a .metadata map which contains a .log file which I could take a look at, perhaps it will show me something.
You could also try to create a new workspace and import the project there, it's a more thorough way of "deleting metadata and re-importing" in a way, could be useful to know if it helps the issue or not.
2022-06-23 12:09 PM
Hello Markus,
I actually started with adding the workspace created with an older version of the IDE to the new version. That's when I started to encounter the issue.
I now deleted the entire workspace, let the IDE re-create it from scratch, and then re-imported the project to the newly created workspace. Still the same issue. When hovering over the file tabs, the tab becomes blank. If you hover over the X next to the file name, usually the black X should be replaced by a red X. This does not happen, and I am getting a section of an icon representing the .c file icon, which is placed in front of the file name. Something seems to be broken with the icons.
I also tried to create a new project from an example project in this workspace, and I am getting the same issue. Also a newly created blank project has the issue.
Something is broken with the handling of the tabs, and it depends on the workspace if the issue occurs or not. Any ideas?
2023-03-27 9:49 AM
AWies, I don't know if you solved this? I had the same issue and had trouble finding a solution. I didn't find any actually. Finally, playing randomly around with the Compability settings I got the problem to stop. I ticked "on" these two settings in DPI settings. No idea what it does or means, but it worked.