2019-05-15 6:15 AM
Dear community,
Edit: This thread was initially made to clear up some confusion about what functionality STM32CubeIDE was intended to have. As the tool has now been released for a while I believe that is has become more clear. However, having easy access to the known problems and limitations is still very helpful so I will keep this thread pinned.
Although, to spare myself from having to continuously update this thread I will simply link to the release note where this information is available:
The release note can be found here (RN0114).
2019-05-21 3:05 PM
Thanks for posting this. Any insight into which of these issues are being worked on, and/or roughly when the next release might be available?
2019-05-22 1:48 AM
I don't want to speculate as deadlines and content of a release can rapidly change in software development.
Even if I guessed a rough estimation it might set expectations of a release that we later can't fulfill.
Once I know with more certainty I might be able to share details.
2019-06-05 7:49 AM
Here's my 2c.
Overall a step (several steps!) in the correct direction, well done.
TouchGFX downloads a windows msi package that will not install on Linux.
I tried to use the 'Graphics simulator' on a STM32F429ZI Disco and that doesn't work - none of the pins are assigned let alone imports of the libraries. OK, I see TouchGFX is still being integrated and there are problems on the 746 as well. The middleware item 'Graphics' is greyed out but is active. The dropdown to select 'Graphics Framework' and 'Graphics Display' are similarly greyed out but inactive.
As a result one never knows what the colours on the IDE mean and the user is always confused. The greyed 'graphics' texts above are inactive, others are inactive, a grey cancel button is active! Text colouring should obey de facto standards and never be confusing. The graphics department need to understand the day to day needs of technical users.
Consistent icons, colours and shading are vital in order to get IDEs accepted. Grey should be reserved for 'Inactive' as with almost all GUI applications (it was a Windows, XServer and IBM GUI standard some years back, ). The graphic designers are wrong, it is misleading, more difficult to read, ambiguous and error prone. Software developers have sufficient other problems not to need to add poor graphics to them.
Grey text on white and vice-versa is difficult to read in certain light conditions, as is light yellow (or any other colour) on white or cream. Bring the contrast to usable levels.
Can we get right button and mouse over explanatory text? Where do I get documentation on what 'Graphics Simulator' means? (Right Click ->Help????)
Come to think of it, help should be available from anywhere ... right down to Reference manual RMxxxxx level.
I would also, in some cases, just want the old BSP graphics, TS drivers, Buttons, I2C peripherals - nowhere to be found other than digging and copying them deep in the file system.
The 'Additional Software' items need more than just a short description hidden at the right hand side. Clickable documentation links would help, Mouse over balloons would be better.
Rather give single option defaulted to the current release (it is a new project isnt't it?) than all versions. Use the screen space freed to provide a better description of the library (LS3xx Accellerometer and Gyro is better than MEMS, which could be anything). I need at this time to know what the device DOES and not its technology.
The old cube did not seem to remember that I was working with a board level product. The new one does not even give me the option to 'set all peripherals to default values' and include the necessary drivers.
The IDE should be extended to provide a board level view as well as the chip level view. Something like the Open MBED colour coded cards would be SO nice to have in the IDE.
It is interesting to note that nearly all the above comments do not require great changes and development of the code base, they require the presentation team to creatively use and present the features already available.
Am I the only one with this perspective?
2019-06-13 1:13 PM
Another bug/issue: STM32CubeIDE and Segger JLink cannot be installed simultaneously! :(
2019-06-21 3:41 PM
Yes, I think the same.
Is there a bug tracker for the STM32CubeIDE.
If not, there should be one where one can file bugs and vote on ones the community believes to be of high importance.
2019-06-21 4:25 PM
I agree. I don't know if Github allows voting, but otherwise it would be a great place to report and track bugs, if someone from ST is willing to set up a project page. This could also be a great place to start making both an official ST, and community, wiki to support ST products. ST employees/engineers should be able to easily update a public-facing wiki, and customers should have access to a parallel wiki to arbitrarily add useful content as well.
2019-06-25 9:40 AM
There seems to be a bug that causes you to lose your files. I'm running version 1.0.1 of CubeIDE (build 3139_20190612-1256). When I tried to create a new project in my C:\Projects folder, I thought the IDE would create a new folder inside C:\Projects based on the project name I gave it. Instead, it erased all my files and folders in C:\Projects and errored out creating my project directly in C:\Projects. There should have been a warning explaining where the new project would be created. And no files should have been deleted in the target folder.
2019-06-25 9:49 AM
I've also run into the problem where it unexpectedly creates the files directly in the top level directory, (then takes forever to complete if there are already a lot of other files or projects there). I don't think it deleted anything though. I think it does give a warning if the directory doesn't exist - which is probably the desired, normal case.
2019-06-25 9:54 AM
I prefer to use only LL drivers, so the bug where it adds HAL back in anytime anything is changed is the most annoying bug to me. (It does this even if you're careful to ensure only LL drivers are specified before generating code.) The only way I've found to fix it is to directly edit the .cproject and .mxproject files.