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Custom toolchain support for STM32CubeIDE to add clang/llvm support

Senior II

Dear ST,

I want to be able to use the clang/llvm toolchain here: with STM32CubeIDE.

There was a comment on this community site that you would be looking in to custom toolchain support back in 2020/2021. It is now half way through 2023 and I don't see any info (unless I'm missing it) on how to add custom toolchains to STM32CubeIDE.

I want to use clang/llvm as it is a better compiler/codegen than gcc with regards to code performance, ESPECIALLY for ARM intrinsics support.

How can I add clang/llvm support to STM32CubeIDE?

If it's ugly and complex I don't mind, it'll be well worth it to me since I'm unable to get the performance I was hoping for with the default gcc toolchain.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

While you're waiting for reply from ST: have you seen the toolchain manager of CubeIDE ? Have you tried to fit that clang toolchain into the required tree structure (if it is not already)?

Hi @Pavel A. thanks for the reply. No, I've not seen any toolchain manager for CubeIDE unless you are referring to this:


Which doesn't support anything other than gcc due to the way the interface is designed to require a specific directory structure that matches the gcc toolchain. I did try and point it to the clang toolchain but it didn't work:


Thanks for the suggestion though.
