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CUBEIDE shuts down


My windows 10 CUBE IDE, version 1.3.1 shuts down several times a day. Genarally at the "debug" perspective (the most used).

I have been trying to switch "compatibility option" from w-10 down the oldest (windows 7...) and less unsuccessfully.

Should I change something to avoid this behavior?

It is running under "administrator" level without any reported issues (error messages). Only shutting down.


Not sure anyone is going to be able to help, other than saying make sure Java is up to date and CubeIDE is updated to the latest. Eclipse (and Java in general IMO) isn't the most robust piece of hardware. Save often. Although I will say I rarely get crashes when I do use it.

> I have been trying to switch "compatibility option" from w-10 down the oldest (windows 7...) and less unsuccessfully.


> It is running under "administrator" level

Why are you running it as admin?

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Thanks for your answer.

I am trying to solve this issue testing if this is problem of compatibility. Currently I am trying "windows vista" and for 2 hours it did not crashed. The approach of using this program as "administrator" is to avoid any problem of "permission" - in fact, this seems not be the issue.

I will search about JAVA in my computer, maybe it might be the solution.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

> Currently I am trying "windows vista" and for 2 hours it did not crashed.

> I will search about JAVA in my computer, maybe it might be the solution.

Hmm... does the compatibility mode affects the native debugger components or Java?

This is interesting.

My experience with the CubeIDE debugger ended in desperation and return to Atollic.

-- pa

> Eclipse (and Java in general IMO) isn't the most robust piece of hardware.

Hmm... ;)