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Cube IDE 1.15.0

Parmin Nayani
Associate III

Hi all,

Installed the latest CubeIDE and re-built an existing project. Got several warnings. One of them was 

RWX. This could be solved by making changes to the ,ld file. Example - .ARM (READONLY)

The next issues was -- > "_close is not implemented and will always fail". Don't know how to solve this warning.

I believe these problems are due to latest version GCC.

Another issue I noticed is - memory regions have disappeared. I have a correctly name list file but to no avail.

Can someone please help me solve these issues. Please help. Thanks.





Here is the project

Hello @Parmin Nayani 

This is a known issue that will be fixed on the next releases. As a temporary workaround, in main.c file, add these instructions: 

__attribute__((weak)) void _close(void){} 
__attribute__((weak)) void _lseek(void){} 
__attribute__((weak)) void _read(void){} 
__attribute__((weak)) void _write(void){}

Between "/* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */" and "/* USER CODE END Includes */".

Best Regards.



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Hi STTwo-32,

Thank you for the update.  Now I am not getting the warning. Hopefully nothing else is getting disturbed. Thank you.