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Code generation could not be done. Firmware package V1.24.1 can not be unzipped.

Associate II

Get error message "Code generation could not be done because the necessary firmware package is missing. Not able to complete STM32Cube project creation."

When Creating STM32Cube Project and then giving Finish will result the following



Also when downloading and unpacking software packages I get error when unpacking


If I select V1.24.0 package I get the same error (Problem during Unzip

When I manually unzip v1.24.0 and v1.24.1 to different folders (like screen below) I still get Code Generation error.


I am using

STM32CubeIDE V1.1.0

Nucleo-F446RE board

Associate II

If the official patch solution didn't work for you, try changing of the Workspace path to another one that doesn't contain the "&" sign in it. Probably, other specific characters like #, %, etc. or non-English letters can brake the prcess as well.

It's 2023. Why is this kind of thing still not automated



I too had the same problem to avoid this change the location of the repository to 'd' drive for 'c' drive then again from the start create project once again the ide start to download the firmware for the board,now the problem is solved.


I encountered a similar issue where I was unable to download and unzip the firmware files in STM32CubeIDE. Upon investigating, I navigated to Windows > Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware updater and realized that my Firmware installation repository was set to the C:\ drive, which lacked sufficient space. To resolve this, I established a new repository on the D:\ drive and updated the Firmware installation repository path to this new location. After restarting my computer, the problem was resolved, and everything functioned correctly.

I hope this solution helps others facing similar issues!



I am running the cube IDE in ubuntu OS. I stumbled upon the same issue. However, the cause for me was different. I was prompted by the application to login to myST using the rightmost option in the top menu bar. Once, I logged in using my myST credentials, the firmware was downloaded and the introductory code was generated.