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Causes of errors that appear irregularly when building a project

Associate II

When I build a project, I get the errors "c:/st/stm32cubeide_1.15.0/stm32cubeide/plugins/ arm-none-eabi-gcc: not found" and "make: *** [Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/ Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f7xx_XXX.o] Error 127"(XXX is the name of the file.) in the CDT Build Console for no apparent reason.
The number of these errors changes each time I build, making it difficult to identify the cause of this problem. No matter how many searches I did, I could not find anything, and when I checked with my colleagues, no one was aware of these errors. Can someone please help me with my biggest question.スクリーンショット 2024-06-22 135756.png

Chief II


is this your first project ?

Did you make already working projects ?

Did you "generate code" ?

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First of all, thank you for replying.
Q1. is this your first project ?

A1. No,I am on a team that builds robots and we are writing a new code for the next competition.

Q2. Did you make already working projects ?

A2. Yes,I have written code for several robots and they actually work.

Q3. Did you "generate code" ?

A3. Of course!
These errors occur during the process of generating code and writing the program.
A program that worked 5 minutes ago may suddenly get this error.


error: xxx.o not found , so compiler output file not existing or deleted.

A: still much free space on drive/partition ? 

B: "someone else" delete the files - antivirus/firewall etc active ?

C: if you open other, old project and (re-)compile - does this work without errors ?

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A. Yes, if it is about 70 GB, it should remain.
B. If it is Antimalware Service Executable, it should be valid. One thing that I personally find suspicious is that when I clone a CubeIDE project on github, the Driverfile of the pre-clone project is faulty.
C. When I recompile other old projects, some projects work without errors and others do not. This is not always a constant project.

> B >If it is Antimalware Service Executable, it should be valid.

No, to test, is it doing something with the download files, switch it off, or delete it.

Anyway useless, imho.

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Probably the multi-threading  -j  option, things didn't complete, parts left unbuilt.

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Can you please tell me what is  "the multi-threading  -j  option" ?