2019-09-18 12:00 AM
I am trying to install the AI-SENSING pack into STM32CUBEIDE V1.0.2.I download the zip file from STM website "en.fp-ai-sensing1.zip" When I go from menu "Manage Embedded Software packages", and I try "Install from local" I get the error:
"The given file is not recognized as beeing valid"
Any help appreciated. This normally worked OK for me for the AI and other packs
2024-06-12 5:17 AM
Hi, I am facing the same issue. I downloaded the package in form of a zip file from here: https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/fp-ai-sensing1.html. Isn't it a pack I can include in my Middleware folder through STM32CubeIDE. When I want to include the CMSIS pack I get the warning: This file is either corrupted or not a recognized package ... . For me this makes no sense since I'm downloading the package directly from STM. Has anyone solved this issue or is the package meant to included in a different way?
Thanks for any help