‎2020-02-24 07:24 AM
When debugging with a JTrace connected, "Segger JLink" selected as debug probe, RTOSPlugin_FreeRTOS as RTOS variant , I can't see tasks in the debug window.
I'm using SWD.
Basically, that's a bug report (how to fill one).
I was thinking that cubeIDE would have been built on top of atollic adding new features. In fact, many features are missing in cubeIDE vs atollic. I'm a bit disappointed...
best regards.
‎2020-03-11 07:13 AM
you are right, there are still few features missing vs previous Atollic TrueSTUDIO. And the FreeRTOS aware debugging is a major one that is in a good place in our ToDo list.
Could that be part of one the release in 2020... stay tune ;)