2020-08-11 11:59 AM
I've created a new folder inside the User directory where main.c is, but when adding the path in the includes list it still can't find it?
I've done it exactly the same way as the other two but for some reason it's just not working now.
If I move the files into another folder that's been included earlier it works just fine.
2020-08-11 12:13 PM
Your directory has to be set as source entry.
Rely on project context menu then Properties > C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols.
Or on your folder context menu rely on resources in order to include it to the build.
By the end a small green C overlay icon has to be added to your folder.
2020-08-13 8:53 PM
2020-08-18 8:32 PM
have you tried ?