User Activity

I've created a new folder inside the User directory where main.c is, but when adding the path in the includes list it still can't find it?I've done it exactly the same way as the other two but for some reason it's just not working now.If I move the f...
I'm using the following code: //100KB buffer uint8_t testBuffer[100000];   for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { //Fill buffer testBuffer[i] = 'U'; }   BSP_LED_On(LED_BLUE);   for(int z = 0; z < 5; z...
I've been sucessfully using the SD card example in the CubeF7 files, but I can't understand where the SPI connections are set up, and if I was to choose SDIO instead, where would I do that?It seems to just magically know I've connected it to the SPIA...
So I've just bought a F722ZE based board which is ideal for the projects I'll be working on, however I was hoping I could get this to work with the arduino IDE and save myself the trouble of learning the new platform, but this doesn't seem to be poss...