2024-09-06 4:36 AM
I’m encountering several errors when trying to build my older project in Atollic TrueStudio. The first error is:
Cannot run program "make": Launching failed
Error: Program "make" not found in PATH
Also in properties C/C++ build is:
Orphaned configuration. No base extension cfg exists for com.st.stm32cube.ide.mcu.gnu.managedbuild.config.exe.debug....
The project no longer has an IOC configuration .IOC
Also I tried to inport it to the STM32IDE - did not help.
Please is there any posiibilites how to compile it?
Another porject works without problems...
2024-09-06 5:18 AM
as I said: Anothers projects works perfectly
2024-09-06 5:30 AM - edited 2024-09-06 5:30 AM
You're trying to open in Atollic a project created for CubeIDE. This isn't going to work. Time to upgrade.