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Any plans to fix STM32CubeIDE Wayland bug?


I see in the release notes that bug # 77518 - MCUFinder is unusable on Gnome Wayland is still going to be present in the upcoming version of the IDE (1.3.1). Is this issue being worked on? While forcing the application to use Xorg normally wouldn't be an issue, I have 4K displays and scaling does not work properly in parts of the IDE (mainly in the ST specific parts like cubemx)

I use GDK_BACKEND=x11 GDK_SCALE=2 to start the IDE so at least its halfway usable.

Cartu38 OpenDev
Lead II

Not sure STM will be able to fix. Such is an Eclipse known limitation (part of Eclipse Bugzilla) ...​

Fact is lot of common applications are not wayland compliant ... don't know to be honnest how wayland may be adopted considering such ...​