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1.4.0 regression: can no longer debug through ftdi (ft4232h) with openocd, saying "No ST-Link detected"

Associate III

I've been debugging a custom designed board that has an FT4232 USB IC on it with a JTAG interface. STM32Cube IDE up to 1.3.1 could successfully debug this through openocd. Version 1.4.0 wants to force firmware verification so I can no longer program and debug my board. How can I disable the ST-Link firmware check?

Associate III

Originally ran 1.3.1, that worked.

Upgraded to 1.4.0, that didn't work.

Uninstalled 1.4.0 and installed 1.3.0, then 1.3.0 worked.

Then installed 1.4.0 fresh, that didn't work.

The reinstalled 1.3.0, that works.

The point is I do not have an ST-LINK device. And the new IDE insists on verifying the firmware of my non-existent ST-LINK device. So it fails. I'm using an FTDI USB chip (FT4232H) that can provide a JTAG interface to my STM32H753 using OpenOCD. In the debug configuration, you can choose to have one of the debug probes as shown here:0693W000003BaE8QAK.pngWe need another option, ST. One that is a generic OpenOCD probe, not expecting a real ST-LINK device, one that works like it used to work in versions up to 1.3.1.

Ok yes I guess you've got right point here: " I do not have an ST-LINK device" & "We need another option"

Today option sounds like OpenOCD / STLink couple is must have but no OpenOCD alone proposal ...

Solution then is to rely on common native Eclipse debug configuration I guess.

According 1.4.0 release notes sounds some update in this area. Available on

Associate II

Starting right now a 1.4.1 STM32CubeIDE release is available to you. 

Such minor 1.4.1 patch (some Kbytes) is solving issue reported by this topic.

Associate III

Thanks this gets me past the firmware verification. But now I see that I need to change my openocd debug configuration file since there were some significant changes to openocd between 1.3.0 and 1.4.1. I'll raise a new forum question if I don't get that working.