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XCP timeout error in MATLAB Simulink Discovery STM32F411VET

Associate III

Hi, I am trying to communicate and read values from the onboard LSM303AGR accelerometer from my STM32F411VET Discovery board in Simulink. I am using a USB TTL232 RPI cable for serial communication where the three pins are connected to GND, PB6 (SCL) and PB9(SDA)


I have used the correct COM port from the device manager however, I am not able to connect the model to my target hardware. I have the following error

"Error:External Mode Open Protocol Connect command failed Caused by: Could not connect to target application: XCP internal error: timeout expired, in response to XCP CONNECT command"

Could anyone confirm how to get serial communication working matlab for this board. I have not seen any solutions online and was hoping to get some help on the same.

Thank you.

Associate II

Make sure you have the required drivers and libraries for the STM32F411VET Discovery board and LSM303AGR accelerometer integrated into your Simulink project.