2020-05-01 8:30 AM
I'm attempting to activate I2C5 on I2C_EXT connector CN13 on the board. Prior instructions were to generate device tree code in STMCubeMX. Done that, but something looks weird.
All HW documentation and EV1 user documentation indicates that I2C5 is physically wired to MP157A PA11, PA12.
In the device tree output excerpt below, note that SCL(I2C5) comes out as expected but it keeps tossing SDA(I2C5) over to port PZ/mux -- I have no clue why it's doing this or if it is correct in some deeper pin-mux that I have not yet discovered.
Please advise on the attached excerpt form STM32CubeMX device tree output.
2020-05-04 12:10 AM
CubeMx is not aware of I2C5 pin mapping on EV1 (this is the case for all 'expansion' peripherals not used with default SW).
When you enable it, CubeMx chose any free pin available having I2C5 mux option (you could see it on CubeMx, e.g. use I2C5 in the 'find' box).
If those one does not fit your needs, you should map the peripheral pins manually (e.g. click on PA11 and PA12 and select each for I2C5)
2020-05-13 10:02 AM
Good afternoon (here at least), I have the device tree that now looks like it has a chance of giving me I2C5 on the I2C_EXT connector of the EV1. However I am now stuck on not being able to find details on how to move the STMCubeMX device tree files into ST-Linux on the EV1.
Also, do I need to do anything with kernel config related to loading this (or these) .dts and .dtsi files containing the I2C5 descriptions?
Please point me to these details.