STM32 MPUs Software development tools

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I used STM32CubeMX version 6.3.0 thinking it was the correct version for Ecosystem 3.0 just to discover I should have used STM32CubeMX version 6.2.1. Is there a way to move my projects backwards?

I have several projects already configured for STM32MP157C and I don't want to have to build them all over again if I can help it. Also, my team is asking I not move the Ecosystem (but if that is my only answer I will.)

SLetter by Associate III
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Resolved! undefined reference to `HAL_ADC_Init'

I've been trying for hours to read an analog value from a pin and write it over UART with no success on my STM32MP1. I've assigned PF14 to ADC2_INN2 and set IN2 to "IN2 Differential", then I generate the code and when I try to build I get a bunch of ...

msche.1 by Associate III
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