2022-09-07 4:38 AM
I built my image to test flutter gallery application from meta-flutter/workflows/stm32mp15. My local.conf file can be seen below:
ACCEPT_EULA_stm32mp15-disco = "1"
TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK:append = " nativesdk-flutter-sdk"
DISTRO_FEATURES:remove = " x11 "
PACKAGECONFIG:pn-flutter-auto-runtimerelease = "backend-egl mouse-cursor package-info secure-storage text-input texture-test-egl"
IMAGE_INSTALL:remove = " packagegroup-st-demo "
IMAGE_INSTALL:remove = " gtk+3-demo "
IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " flutter-auto-runtimerelease flutter-engine-runtimerelease-sdk-dev flutter-gallery-runtimerelease flutter-test-video-player-runtimerelease adwaita-icon-theme-cursors xdg-user-dirs avahi-daemon ntp ntp-tickadj gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly"
I flashed the image and in the home/root path there is a README file it says:
Check GPU
GPU can be deactivated by fuse or not present in some SOC
So in case the GPU is not present, you must configure weston on pix-man by creating this file :
/etc/default/weston with this content :
When I do that I get the following output:
[19:13:08.578] weston 10.0.0
Bug reports to: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/weston/issues/
Build: 10.0.0
[19:13:08.578] Command line: weston --use-pixman
[19:13:08.579] OS: Linux, 5.15.24, #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 16 11:56:41 UTC 2022, armv7l
[19:13:08.579] Flight recorder: enabled
[19:13:08.579] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini'
[19:13:08.580] Output repaint window is 100 ms maximum.
[19:13:08.580] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-10/drm-backend.so'
[19:13:08.596] initializing drm backend
[19:13:08.596] Trying logind launcher...
[19:13:08.597] logind: failed to get session seat
[19:13:08.597] logind: cannot setup systemd-logind helper error: (No data available), using legacy fallback
[19:13:08.597] Trying weston_launch launcher...
[19:13:08.597] could not get launcher fd from env
[19:13:08.597] Trying direct launcher...
[19:13:08.597] <stdin> not a vt
[19:13:08.597] if running weston from ssh, use --tty to specify a tty
[19:13:08.597] fatal: drm backend should be run using weston-launch binary, or your system should provide the logind D-Bus API.
[19:13:08.598] BUG: layer_list is not empty after shutdown. Calls to weston_layer_fini() are missing somwhere.
[19:13:08.598] fatal: failed to create compositor backend
Internal warning: debug scope 'drm-backend' has not been destroyed.
I also have a black screen, only openstlinux logo when booting then it becomes dark. What is the problem here?
2023-07-31 11:45 PM
Im getting same error in weston-launch. Can someone help ?