2020-09-25 2:13 AM
The kernel I used was 4.19 and the CPU on STM32MP157AAA3 was able to read the CPU at 650M frequency.I failed to read when I only replaced THE CPU with STM32MP157DAA1.
STM32MP157AAA3 To read the CPU frequency results are as follows:
STM32MP157DAA1 Reads the CPU frequency as follows:
2020-09-25 6:11 AM
it seems your Device tree (DT) on second case is missing the "opp" node. Did you change the SW (DT) between the test ?
Could you please share the kernel log of 157D case ?
On ST boards, the opp is defined in "stm32mp157c.dtsi" file for 157A, C, D or F.
It is better managed with some dedicated files in V2.0.0 (kernel 5.4).