2020-08-19 9:05 AM
I changed name of orginal device-tree of my board stm32mp157c-dk2.dts. Then I tried upload tf-a and uboot to device via STM32_Programmer_CLI. Program proper uploaded tf-a and I see my new Model name but now program wait for reconnecting and my device is hald.
WARNING: Skip signature check (header option)
NOTICE: ROTPK is not deployed on platform. Skipping ROTPK verification.
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL32
INFO: Entry point address = 0x2ffed000
INFO: SPSR = 0x1d3
NOTICE: SP_MIN: v2.2-r1.0(debug):v2.2-dirty
NOTICE: SP_MIN: Built : 13:36:23, Oct 22 2019
INFO: ARM GICv2 driver initialized
INFO: stm32mp IWDG1 (12): Secure
INFO: SP_MIN: Initializing runtime services
INFO: SP_MIN: Preparing exit to normal world
I don't get any error so I don't know what can be wrong. When I uploaded the same device-tree but with original name u-boot is booting
2020-08-24 5:45 AM
Hi @Adrian Dusiński
Not clear what you have done exactly.
Did you recompile Tf-a and Uboot using a renamed/custom dts file ?
Could you please details steps you follow ?
Please precise if you are working with ecosystem V1.x ( kernel 4.19) or V2.0 ( kernel 5.4 )
2020-08-24 6:32 AM
Thanks for response.
To be exact I try this:
I copied original stm32mp157c-dk2 device-tree to stm32mp157-custom, I added this configuration to makefile and I executed:
make stm32mp15_trusted_defconfig
make DEVICE_TREE=stm32mp157c-custom all
So my configuration is the same as stm32mp157c-dk2.
I also tried set debug to tf-a but it end program after console_flush(); so it works. I don't know how get more debug.
2020-09-08 6:36 AM
I found the problem, in the "board/st/stm32mp1/extlinux.conf" file must be added custom devicetree.
I think on the page "How to configure U-Boot for your board" is no information about it.
2020-09-10 8:01 AM
Hi Adrian
I also met this problem. How can I solve it.
2020-09-10 2:33 PM
Hi Adrian,
I don't understood extlinux.conf refence here....
it is not used for STM32CubeProgrammer load.
To start your custom device tree for U-Boot based on DK2 :
cp arch/arm/dts/stm32mp157c-dk2.dts arch/arm/dts/stm32mp157-custom.dts
it is the kernel device tree
cp arch/arm/dts/stm32mp157c-dk2-u-boot.dtsi arch/arm/dts/stm32mp157-custom-u-boot.dtsi
this add-on U-Boot file (stm32mp157-custom-u-boot.dtsi) is MANDATORY to manage u-boot specific property needed in pre-reloc step:
attribute u-boot,dm-pre-reloc / u-boot,dm-pre-proper => https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/U-Boot_overview#Device_tree.
Update arch/arm/dts/Makefile to compile your device tree:
dtb-$(CONFIG_STM32MP15x) +=stm32mp157-custom.dtb
Then launch compilation
make DEVICE_TREE=stm32mp157c-custom all