2021-10-06 5:29 AM
I have been following the video to install tools and whatnot for STM32WB. So far, STM32CubeMX was installed in C:\Program Files, STM32CubeWB support was installed in a C:\Users for some reason, STM32CubeIDE was installed in C:\ST. I almost dare not continue. I get that it is necessary to download gigabytes of junk just to try out my P-NUCLEO-WB55 but why is it sprayed all over my hard drive like this?
2021-10-06 5:42 AM
Because of the limitations that you have as a Windows user. For example, the path length is limited, which is why the STM32CubeIDE must be installed in a directory with the shortest possible path, and with write access if you don't want to experience any nasty surprises. You don't have these limitations with Linux and MacOSX.
2021-10-06 5:56 AM
Under STM32CubeIde you can choose where to download the Software Packages (instead of C:\Users\)
=>Menu Windows => Preferences => STM32Cube => Firmware Updater => Repository Setup
Same option exists in STM32CubeMX in Menu Help => Updater Settings => Repository Folder.
2021-10-07 1:20 AM
Ah. Thanks for the reply. I'd suggest just making C:\ST the default in all cases, for consistency, but I suppose that was already considered. Not to worry. I have the examples working and can now trawl the code...
2021-10-07 6:13 AM
I agree with @Community member , please ST, use C:\ST from now on for all your software installation paths.
Even if it breaks previously installed products, otherwise it will stay a mess like this for ever.
Best regards.
2021-10-07 8:50 AM
Trick here is NOT to let tools install to default directories.
Access to "Program Files" is obfuscated to protect against viruses, malware, etc. and further hacks virtualize content into User directories. Microsoft/Windows never really understood the linkage UNIX afforded.
But yes, some coherent method/plan would be desirable, but unlikely to be executed.
More wisen devs would share details between apps or check location of other products in the installer, and the tools would be smarter in the directories/defaults offered forth. Smaller companies tend to be more aware of the support costs, and what's driving them..
2021-10-10 11:34 AM