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WB55 BLE client custom board

Associate II


I have my custom PCB with STM32WB55CEU. This board is tested so I m able to connect and sending data beetween "my PCB" and Smartphone.

Now I have new goal. The goal is to start scan process for nearby devices. I would like to hit breakpoint which is illustrated by the red arrow in the photo below.

Bez tytułu (1).png


So I created new project, configure as Client profile with all default values. Is this configuration sufficient for the system to fulfill its purpose or should I add extra code to this project?

Bez tytułu.png


@JohnFromKrushevniky wrote:

I would like to hit breakpoint which is illustrated by the red arrow in the photo below.


That point is just a variable definition - so there's (probably) no executable code there on which to set a break point.

Associate II

I added NOP(). I would like to hit the breakpoint.

As I understand this breakpoint will be reached when the STM32WB55 finds at least one device in its vicinity.

In next step I will be doing further operations.

Bez tytułu (2).png

Associate II

Some additional info:


As I can see on example P2P_client example there is a button whitch starts scanning process. I do not have any button on my custom board so I want to start scanning process at once, automatically after MCU initialization.

Associate II

Program never reach this point:


Associate II

Can anyone help me get started with this?

Does the lack of response from anyone mean that a lot needs to be changed in this project to start scanning?