2022-07-22 8:18 AM
I have build a custom application from end_node project example on LoRa-E5 board.
All works fine with comissioning from CubeMX.
But now I want to use values loaded from flash.
So I added 3 variables :
uint8_t device_eui[8];
uint8_t app_eui[8];
uint8_t app_key[16];
I can read/write values from flash.
But now : how to use this values for LoRa-Wan OTAA joining ???!!!!
How could this be sooooo hard to do ???!!!!!
Thanks for help.
2022-07-23 2:23 AM
@SC26 "Of course this must be in USER CODE BEGIN / USER CODE END section for not beiing overwrite by CubeMX"
I'm not sure that the LoRaWAN code is subject to CubeMX modifications?
I don't use CubeMX, but it should be easy to do a test to see if your changes survive a re-generation...
2022-07-23 7:44 AM
Hi !
custom device_eui was pretty easy by editing GetUniqueId function (in sys_app.c :: 198 ).
Nice ! :grinning_face:
void GetUniqueId(uint8_t *id)
/* USER CODE BEGIN GetUniqueId_1 */
extern uint8_t device_eui[8];
for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
id[i] = device_eui[i];
/* USER CODE END GetUniqueId_1 */
Now ... I need to do the same for other parameters :face_savoring_food:
I will check about MX overwriting code ...
2022-07-23 9:12 AM
OK, so ...
I found the way to custom eui/keys :
LoRaMac.c :: 4161
// Initialize the Secure Element driver
if( SecureElementInit( &Nvm.SecureElement, callbacks->GetUniqueId ) != SECURE_ELEMENT_SUCCESS ) /* ST_WORKAROUND: Add unique ID callback as input parameter */
// TEST : Set MY eui&keys
extern uint8_t device_eui[8];
extern uint8_t app_eui[8];
extern uint8_t app_key[16];
SecureElementSetDevEui( device_eui );
SecureElementSetJoinEui( app_eui );
SecureElementSetKey( APP_KEY, app_key );
This looks OK ... but the code is RESET after MX generation, maybe by editing library source code instead of my project ... but this is definitly not a solution ...
I will try this way, but if anybody have a better way, he is welcome !!!
2022-07-24 10:00 PM
I believe these LmHandler functions are what you're looking for:
2022-07-25 12:54 AM
Hi, yes, this looks fine, but I don't know from where can I call them to ensure they are used by LoRaWan middleware ... any advice ?
2022-07-25 5:42 AM
I'd start with ST documents UM2073 ("STM32 LoRaWAN® Expansion Package for STM32Cube") and AN5406 ("How to build a LoRa® application with STM32CubeWL").
Section 6.7 of AN5406 documents the LmHandler Set/Get functions. Note that you'll surely need to enable context management for this to be persistent (see 9.2.11 in AN5406).
I believe these functions can be called anytime after
/* Init the Lora Stack*/
LmHandlerInit(&LmHandlerCallbacks, APP_VERSION);
2022-07-25 11:39 AM
Oh, but I just learned - once the mote is activated/joined, you can't update these persistent values. Makes sense, except sometimes you want to change them and re-join. Frankly there should be an LmHandler interface to 'de-activate' to program new values.
2022-07-25 12:00 PM
MibRequestConfirm_t mibReq;
LoRaMacStatus_t status;
mibReq.Param.NetworkActivation = ACTIVATION_TYPE_NONE;
/* Init Info table used by LmHandler*/
/* Init the Lora Stack*/
LmHandlerInit(&LmHandlerCallbacks, APP_VERSION);
status = LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &mibReq );
This will clear the activation setting when needed to reconfigure. Also need to #include "LoRaMac.h"