User Activity

When will ST support Lora Basics Modem and, perhaps, Relay, FUOTA? Thank you, Dana
That's the question. See for the upstream code; apparently development of the Semtech LoRaWAN stack has stopped in favor of this more feature-rich LoRaWAN stack.
I am programming an STM32WLE5CCU6 using STM32CubeProgrammer v2.9.0 and USART / embedded bootloader. Without exception, every binary I attempt to program (ELF or bin does not matter) is truncated at a 4k boundary (0x1E000 in one case, 0x14000 in anoth...
Using the STM32WL firmware V1.1, the end-client framework implements GetBatteryLevel() by reading VREFINT and determining what Vref+ is tied to. Assuming that Vdda is tied to Vdd, this measures the Vdd rail. Given motes likely use Lithium cells with ...
US sub-bands currently make use of the Hybrid feature selected in the LoRaWAN Cube configuration, and that's a good start, but it would be useful to add a run-time API to select sub-bands, like in the US.Dana
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