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STM32WB55CGU6 Zigbee WindowCover

Associate III

Hello everyone,


The last few days I have been trying to get Zigbee working on my STM32WB55CGU6 and I can now switch on and off a light! But the more difficult thing to get working is the WindowCover. Below you will find the image where my STM32 has connected to home assistant and I can turn the led on and off with the top switch. The problem I now have is sending the other attributes in particular the position. Below you will find my app_zigbee.c file





ST Employee

Hi @Hesseltjuuh,

The implementation of the cluster seems correct to me.

What is going wrong when you send window commands ? Do you receive the commands through the defined callbacks ? Is there any errors reported? 

Please share the Wireshark capture to analyze further your case.

Best regards,


Allright I've ordered a Zigbee sniffer since it's still not working. I have figured out however how to get to the logs of homeassistant and maybe it's something similar to Wireshark. Also I never get into the callback function.

The log is linked below. You can ignore the 'SmartCandle' and the 'Temperature sensor'