2023-01-18 08:59 PM
I am using STM32WB55CG6 custom board and configured as cliend and trying to connect with server(ESP32 configures as server).
When a button is pressed i am connecting to server
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
if(GPIO_Pin == 1)
void APP_BLE_Key_Button1_Action()
As soon as client makes connection with server, client device go to HardFault_Handler.
I tried debugging
problem is some where in function UTIL_SEQ_Run
local_taskset = TaskSet;
local_evtset = EvtSet;
local_taskmask = TaskMask;
local_evtwaited = EvtWaited;
I have not modified anything other than the Button press->start scanning-> find my device -> connect.
I am stuck at this point can some one please help me with this!!!
Thank you,
2023-01-23 10:07 AM
Did you start from BLE_p2pClient example available in STM32CubeWB package? If it's not the case, where did you register your task?
Best Regards