2021-11-02 2:14 AM
i found the pretty new User Manual 2804 for STM32WB Series. They mention HAL Drivers for STM32WB. But i cant find any source code related to this. Maybe u can help me with this.
Best regards
2021-11-02 2:30 AM
2021-11-02 2:36 AM
first thank you for the quick answer but I am currently working with the newest version 1.12.1 and the Github release was 3 month ago. I am unable to find the mentioned functions in this version. Thats why I am asking this question. The User Manual was released on 26th October 2021. More Information would be much appreciated.
Best regards
2021-11-02 2:43 AM
" They mention HAL Drivers for STM32WB."
HAL source code is located in the Drivers\STM32WBxx_HAL_Driver folder.
"I am unable to find the mentioned functions in this version."
Which ones ?
2021-11-02 3:10 AM
Hey Mike,
the User Manual introduces Bluetooth HAl functions for pretty simple communication. The title is "HAL API of BLE LLD" its this Hal API and the functions are like HAL_BLE_LLD_** where ** is stuff like configure ,receive or transmit package.
Maybe the related code will be released later with a new firmware version but i couldnt find any information for this functions or anything related to it except for this user manual. Also in the UM2442 "Description of STM32WB HAL and low-layer drivers" none of the functions of the formentioned user manual are to be found.
Thank you for your help so far
Best regards
2021-11-02 3:22 AM
Ok thank you for clarifying,
maybe in Middlewares/ST/STM32_WPAN/ble_lld/hal/ble_hal.c is what you're looking for ?
2021-11-02 3:33 AM
Yeah exactly what i was looking for ._. i always trusted google in successfully searching Github but nevermind. Anyway this leads to a followup Question. Why isnt this part of the middleware included when I am configuring a project in the CubeIDE and what option should i possibly enable to get it. I enabled all the necessary Subsystems and the RF module and the STM32WPAN and selected BLE. Maybe u can help me with that as well :)
2021-11-02 4:06 AM
In cubeMX, when you choose an STM32WB product,
In Pinout&Configuration => Categories => MiddleWare => STM32_WPAN. Please choose one option.
It is greyed out by default. If you hold the mouse pointer on it, it should display a message telling how to activate it.
After activation, the middleware folder should hopefully appear in your project.
2021-11-02 4:12 AM
i have the middleware and the STM32WPAN just the ble_lld folder is missing and doesnt get included when the cubeIDE is generating code
2021-11-02 6:59 AM
They are not included because the Low Level Drivers are probably not needed for the project and/or the option is not available in CubeMX to include them.
In case you need them, please add them manually.