2023-01-04 5:39 AM
Hey Everyone. Happy new year. I hope everyone is okay.
I am developing a BLE device using STM32WB55RG.
The test board I am using is as follows.
It's my first interaction with STM32WB MCUs so I followed the Getting Started Series video and particular : "STM32WB Getting Started Series: Part 12b, Lab. Receiving data from the phone".
I followed all the steps mentioned in the video. However, when it was a time to test the firmware. I couldn't see the device in the ST BLE Toolbox app.
Can you guys please help me out, what should I try next?
2023-01-06 2:24 AM
You can start to check if you have the correct setup, see the following wiki page, ensure you have the right BLE stack. Then you can try a simple example like BLE_p2pServer available in STM32CubeWB package.
Best Regards
2023-01-18 2:55 AM
Hi Remy,
Thank you for the reply.
On my second board which has a following Firmware (Stack Version V11.22.0.29). when I tested p2pserver and heartrate examples. It worked all fine. I could see the connection on BLE sensor App. The issue was when I tried to make the custom connection instead of p2p (as done in this video " STM32WB Getting Started Series: Part 12b, Lab. Receiving data from the phone " it didn't work.
I tried to update it to latest firmware (stack version V.15.0.3) , now the examples doesn't work as well. Can you guys guide me what the issue is?
2023-01-18 8:58 AM
Did you flash the stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin binary on the Wireless Coprocessor? On the second picture, you should have the same information as on the first picture.
Best Regards
2023-01-19 2:55 AM
That's exactly what I flash, the second picture is before I flash the stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin binary on the Coprocessor Wireless Binaries. Before flash (referring to fig 2), when I tried the examples from the STM32CubeWB Package, it worked fine. I was able to see the connection through the BLE Sensor App.
After the flash (referring to figure 1), when I tried the example again, there was no connection on the App.
Can you please tell what am I doing wrong?
2023-01-20 2:07 AM
On STM32CubeProgrammer, when you flash the stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin binary on the Wireless Coprocessor, ensure the option "Start stack after upgrade" is checked.
Best Regards