2021-09-10 2:32 AM
I'm working with the Nucleo board with the STM32WB55 with the BLE Stack: stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin (V1.12.1) on the Copro. When I'm running the Beacon Example code I can receive the Beacons on the mobile App.
But since I've configured the code once as EddystoneTLM it always sends the Eddystone Beacons (UID/URL) with the TLM payload and I can't remove it.
I've tried to delete it manually in the initialisation (aci_gap_delete_ad_type(AD_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA) before I initialise it with an other Beacon type, but it doesn't make any differences. Even reprograming the Copro hasn't made any differences.
Is that a known bug from the BLE stack, that it doesn't properly clear the TLM flag? Does someone know a workaround?
2021-09-14 10:57 PM
Problem solved. The problem was the app that always shows an TLM payload if it receives an Eddystone Beacon from the same address.
2021-09-20 12:56 AM
Some smartphone applications do not really refresh Beacon information if the UUID address of the Beacon if the same ... A way to force this refresh, is to disable and enable smartphone Bluetooth or delete the stored application data in the smartphone.
Best regards.