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Send Eddystone beacons without TLM payload doesn't work

Associate II

I'm working with the Nucleo board with the STM32WB55 with the BLE Stack: stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin (V1.12.1) on the Copro. When I'm running the Beacon Example code I can receive the Beacons on the mobile App.

But since I've configured the code once as EddystoneTLM it always sends the Eddystone Beacons (UID/URL) with the TLM payload and I can't remove it.

I've tried to delete it manually in the initialisation (aci_gap_delete_ad_type(AD_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA) before I initialise it with an other Beacon type, but it doesn't make any differences. Even reprograming the Copro hasn't made any differences.

Is that a known bug from the BLE stack, that it doesn't properly clear the TLM flag? Does someone know a workaround?

Associate II

Problem solved. The problem was the app that always shows an TLM payload if it receives an Eddystone Beacon from the same address.

ST Employee


Some smartphone applications do not really refresh Beacon information if the UUID address of the Beacon if the same ... A way to force this refresh, is to disable and enable smartphone Bluetooth or delete the stored application data in the smartphone.

Best regards.