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RXtimeOut in I cube LRWAN

swapnil champaneria
Associate III

Hello there,

I have sx1262 Lora module from nice RF.

In ABP mode I can sand data on TTN but during down link time node always send me Rx time out.

Here I am attaching my logs. please guide me .

ST Employee

There is not much I can say considering the low level of details : we never used the RF module mentioned here. This module is not supported as is by I-CUBE-LRWAN package, and many problems of many types (wrong HW connection, FW bug, bad server configuration, etc.) could result in a RxTimeOut.

I would suggest the following points

  • Try the PingPong application example between two devices to make sure both Tx and Rx capabilities are ok on the HW used.
  • Try first with an officially supported platform to be sure everything is fine with the gateway and LoRa server, and then after try with custom HW.

swapnil champaneria
Associate III

Hello @Remi QUINTIN​ ,

Thanks for the reply, I got RX done in my code when changes the RTC Configuration but still some time I am facing RX Time out, Can you please guide in stack at which point Rx timer start for receive window?

I am facing 1 more problem when on my server there is a multiple down links are there at that time i am receiving only first frame. other frames are flushed. I noticed that during that time continuously LORA_TxNeeded function is calling. Can you please guide me to solve this issue.

Here I am attaching my log screen short .


Swapnil 0693W000004J7kUQAS.png0693W000004J7jqQAC.png0693W000004J7jCQAS.png

ST Employee

The Lora Sw I am working with is not supporting your platform (L4 + sx1262 Lora module).

I am looking for someone who was involved on the I-CUBE-LRWAN project to help you.

Grep or find-in-files RxTimeoutTimer, typically in the Radio BSP code


Indicative of it not completely receiving any data during window.

The timeout must include reception time of packet, it can fire mid-data.

Watch for dead-time when you aren't receiving/listening for traffic, watch particularly what you waste time on after "TxDone"

Could be that it is simply not seeing any data on the frequency/channel you've picked, make sure the radio is configured to the right place to see the transmitted data. Dump the registers, double check.

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swapnil champaneria
Associate III

Hello @Community member​  & @Remi QUINTIN​  ,

Thanks for the reply,

my Frame missing during multiple down links Frames are solved from server side. During my testing I am facing LoRaMacIsBusy() function return True after that my node unable to send a data to the server. Also, I want to use stop mode In my code for that I am using default flow of I cube lrwan, but node is not going in to stop mode it's suddenly weak up after calling HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI); I am using SX1262DVK1DAS file for sx1262 which available in example



swapnil champaneria
Associate III

Hello there,

I am expecting suggestions from community regarding I Cube LRWAN.



ST Employee

In order to understand why the LoRaMacIsBusy() function returns 'true', you should track the 'MacCtx.MacState' and 'MacCtx.AllowRequests' variables that are tested in this function, and see when and why their state changes. This is basic debug work in my opinion.

Regarding the stop mode issue, I-CUBE-LRWAN FW package supports the SX1262DVK1DAS RF shield from Semtech but has never been tested with any LoRa module from NiceRF. Moreover the code you show is not the same as the one we provide in our package. So it is very hard to support you as  you are using a modified code with a not supported HW.  I have no idea about what is not working and why.

swapnil champaneria
Associate III

Hello @Remi QUINTIN (ST Employee)​ â€‹ ,

Thanks for the reply. 

The code is default code which is provided In I Cube LRWAN. I am just call SystemClock_Config for configure my clock after wakeup from stop mode.

