2024-11-24 7:48 PM
I'm working on a project where I have to take the humidity and temperature measures of the soil, and send them to a LoraWAN getaway. The problem is that I have to use the STM32L010F4P6 microcontroller and the RF module LAMBDA62C-9S. My question is if the i-cube-lrwan software expansion can help me to load the LoRaWAN firmware in the microcontroller and use the Lambda module to do this.
2024-11-24 8:51 PM
Perhaps, but 16KB FLASH, and 2KB RAM, might prove a tad challenging.
Try building something, see what the foot-print actually looks like. Look at a generic Semtech library build for the SX1262, or something lighter weight.
The Murata module has an L072 w/192KB FLASH
Perhaps converse with the engineer who made the part choices..