Hello ST community,I have QSPI flash and an environment sensor based on SPI with stm32l496rg development board.If I put controller in stop mode 2 without sensor and flash current consumption of system is 3uA.If I connect flash and sensor then in stop...
Hello there, I have sx1262 Lora module from nice RF.In ABP mode I can sand data on TTN but during down link time node always send me Rx time out.Here I am attaching my logs. please guide me .
In my project i am print my log using printf function and in syscalls.c file i am print my printf log using CDC_Transmit_FS function.__attribute__((weak)) int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len) { CDC_Transmit_FS((uint8_t*) ptr, len); return len...
Hello there,I am working on stm32wb nucleo board, On stm32wb I am using freertos (CMSIS 2) and when I am trying to use printf or snprintf with float argument my code going to hard-fault. printf is working fluently with integer values but not with flo...
I am trying to compile directly Xcube-aws code but it's not compiling in TrueSTUDIO. In Keil it do compiled but not debug, I have to load .sfb file through uart to run code. How can I debug and merge my sensor code in Xcube-aws code and debug it. @Co...
Hello @Remi QUINTIN (ST Employee) ,Thanks for the reply. The code is default code which is provided In I Cube LRWAN. I am just call SystemClock_Config for configure my clock after wakeup from stop mode.Thanks swapnil
Hello @Community member & @Remi QUINTIN ,Thanks for the reply,my Frame missing during multiple down links Frames are solved from server side. During my testing I am facing LoRaMacIsBusy() function return True after that my node unable to send a d...
Hello @Remi QUINTIN ,Thanks for the reply, I got RX done in my code when changes the RTC Configuration but still some time I am facing RX Time out, Can you please guide in stack at which point Rx timer start for receive window?I am facing 1 more pro...
Hello TDK,thanks for replay, but In my case my all external interrupts are already set on priority level 1. and usb interrupt is set to 0 which is by default and the problem is sometimes i didn't get interrupt from USB so my hcdc->TxState = 0 not se...