2021-08-19 12:06 AM
I have problem with ADC using in LORA Porcess on NUCLEO WL55JC1.
I modified project PING PONG(from LORA) to MASTER and SLAVE, where SLAVE send to MASTER in periodicly time a voltage form ADC, when I use ADC in main, everything its ok, but when I use it in LORA process then function HAL_ADC_PollForConversion return a HAL
Thank you in advance.
P.S On footage "ADC_Timer" I only read a value from ADC not send to master yet.
EDIT: I debuged this using APP_LOG and I saw that ADC_Enable go to this (image: "ADC_Enable"), and set to ErrorCode HAL_ADC_ERROR_INTERNAL, where in definition of this error code is that is "ADC peripheral internal error (problem of clocking, enable/disable, erroneous state, ...)