2020-05-11 3:20 AM
I am a newbie on Lora and recently I bought a P-Nucleo-LRWAN2 development kit to start my projects using Lora communication technology.
As soon as I received the development boards I follow the instruction on the manual and I successfully connected the gateway and received the sensor data on the default cayenne application. I was using the TTN server. Those initial steps were very simple and clear.
To make the things funnier, and as recommended, I downloaded the I-CUBE-LRWAN V1.3.1 package and followed the instructions on the read me file to upload to my sensor node the end node example on the I-CUBE-LRWAN V1.3.1 package. From this point on, my nightmares started.
I followed the official documentation and I was expecting that this step to be smooth. However, my sensor node (NUCLEO-L073RZ + I-NUCLEO_LRWAN1) is not working and I am struggling to understand the architecture of this sensor node. Can anyone explain me the architecture of this node and how the NUCLEO board communicates with the I_NUCLEO_LRWAN shield?
Does my shield read the sensor data directly or these are connected to the NUCLEO board?
Thanks for the help