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P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 - gateway firmware sources




The firmware for the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 gateway is currently provided as a binary file named "st-nucleo-lora-gw-at-fw-v2.1.7-eu868-TTN.bin." I am very interested in obtaining access to the source code to develop a modified version of the firmware for personnal uses.

I understand that the P-NUCLEO-LRWAN2 kit is obsolete, but I continue to use the gateway as a packet forwarder for instrumentation and experimentation. Unfortunately, it does not support the latest version of the Semtech UDP protocol, which requires a TX_ACK to be sent after transmitting a packet (as specified here: This limitation causes issues with multiple network servers. I would like to address this issue myself and make a few other minor modifications.

Could you please let me know if the source code is fully closed, or if there is a way to obtain it?

Best regards.

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

I think the source is 3rd-party (Rising HF?) - so you'd have to go to them ...