2023-01-20 11:49 AM
I have a WIO-5 mini from Seeed. I bought STM-LINK V2 to program it. But I can't attach it to STM32 Cube Programmer; I read this page Wio-E5 mini - Seeed Wiki (seeedstudio.com), but I found it completely unusable. I tried to connect STM8 wires to that chip, but the cables on the photo are entirely different from those in my ST-LINK device. They have different colors, and the authors of this page don't explain which pin should be attached to WIO-5 pins. I tried to do it in many ways, but STM32 Cube Programmer doesn't;t react to Connect button (without success or fail message)
So I have a question, how to program a WIO-5 device using ST-LINK?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-01-22 5:27 AM
What a stupid thing!
The command line shows that this board requires a software reset. I changed the reset mode to the hardware reset and shared it to enable, pressed, and hold the button Reset on the board, and I clicked on the Connect button in the STM32Cube Programmer IDE and...
Every source on the Internet mentions that the reset button should be held until clicking on the Connect button. So I click on the reset button and release it, and next click on the Connect button, and viola...
I think a little bit closer to my target now.
2023-01-20 12:04 PM
Use the 20-pin Header of the ST-LINK/V2
Get some dupont wires of your own
You want the SWDIO, SWCLK and GROUND at a minimum, on the official ST-LINK/V2 you need to power the buffers, so VCC also. You could also connect NRST
Pin 1 VCC
Pin 15 NRST
2023-01-20 1:25 PM
I attached wires as you mentioned.
I pressed on Rest button on the WIO-5 Mini. Having this button pressed, I clicked on Connect button (having ST-LINK selected from the list).
Nothing changed. I ST-LNIK didn't recognize WIO-5. What am I missing?
2023-01-20 3:23 PM
The serial number suggests it is a bootleg ST-LINK/V2
The power should only be 3.0 to 3.3V, yours looks to be reporting pushing 5V
Sorry, can't see the WIO-5 side connectivity, not in focus.
Choose Hardware Reset, and connect under reset..
2023-01-21 12:11 AM
@Community member
So I will show you a little bit closer.
First view of ST-LINK connections
As you can see:
Next view of connections to WIO-5 Mini board:
Having these connections, I press the Reset button on the WIO-5 mini board and hold it. Next, I click on the button Connect on the STM32 Cube Programmer window. It still doesn't recognize my WIO-5 Mini board.
Maybe these pieces of information will be helpful. WIO-5 mini is a brand new one. It was never programmed using STM-LINK or any other bootloader tool.
I expected it to be elementary, as for programming with Arduino IDE. But still have strange problems with the WIO-5 MIni board and ST-LINK.
PS. I can send AT commands to this board using Termite, in my case. It responds properly. So it works and is alive.
2023-01-21 3:59 AM
Maybe it will be helpful. I read the documentation of STM-LINK and found that I can check if my installation is proper. I run such a command:
STM32_Programmer_CLI -l usb
I got an unexpected result:
But I see ST-LINK in the device manager
I see it under the option Universal Serial Bus Devices and DM says that it works properly.
2023-01-21 5:27 AM
I checked Windows Update and USB 3.0 drivers. They are up to date.
What is wrong?
2023-01-21 9:06 PM
STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe -c port=swd
2023-01-22 12:22 AM
Something is wrong. ST-LINK doesn't see the WIO-5 mini-board.
I link the WIO-5 board to the STM32 by wires as is in the above pictures. I don't see any mistakes in the connections.
2023-01-22 1:05 AM
I applied a note from Drew from this thread How to fix STM32 Stuck with error ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_NOT_HALTED) - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange and I got an answer:
And it is exactly my STM chip discovered.
But I still have this: