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Make bootload on WIO-5 mini (STM32WLE5JC) [SOLVED]

Associate III

I have a WIO-5 mini from Seeed. I bought STM-LINK V2 to program it. But I can't attach it to STM32 Cube Programmer; I read this page Wio-E5 mini - Seeed Wiki (, but I found it completely unusable. I tried to connect STM8 wires to that chip, but the cables on the photo are entirely different from those in my ST-LINK device. They have different colors, and the authors of this page don't explain which pin should be attached to WIO-5 pins. I tried to do it in many ways, but STM32 Cube Programmer doesn't;t react to Connect button (without success or fail message)

So I have a question, how to program a WIO-5 device using ST-LINK?

Associate III

After several tries (button Boot pressed or PB13 connected to GND, VSS, or VCC) my WIO-5 mini doesn't respond on AT commands. So I guess that it isn't already in AT mode but still isn't in DFU mode.

Associate III

What a stupid thing!

The command line shows that this board requires a software reset. I changed the reset mode to the hardware reset and shared it to enable, pressed, and hold the button Reset on the board, and I clicked on the Connect button in the STM32Cube Programmer IDE and...

0693W00000Y8qeeQAB.pngEvery source on the Internet mentions that the reset button should be held until clicking on the Connect button. So I click on the reset button and release it, and next click on the Connect button, and viola...

0693W00000Y8qeoQAB.pngI think a little bit closer to my target now.

Associate III

It's the final cut and the end of the story (but I have to change Read Protection Level to AA - no protection):

0693W00000Y8qiMQAR.pngMy WIO-5 board is ready for programming now (I hope :) )

PS. It's the worst thing we - all developers - do during the overall software build process, from the backlog to the move of product to the market: DOCUMENTATION! Poorly written, unclear, and outdated.