2023-02-22 1:56 AM
The Interface of the Library (ble_mesh.h) in the STM32WPAN layer seems not up to date, some functions does not work (like BLEMesh_SetRemotePublication) and the descriptions are outdated.
The return value of some functions are misleading/wrong, e.g. the function BLEMesh_SetRemotePublication() will return an MOBLE_RESULT_FAIL when the subscription and publication address of the elements are not equal, but the message will be send anyways.
Is there a Debug function for the library blob except the "libBle_Mesh_CM4_GCC_DEBUG.a" file ?
We would like to get the raw data the library will send for each message for example, but the debug output does not print this information.
Is there an additional description only for the interface except the ble_mesh.h?
Will this library blob get a rework?
2023-03-03 8:13 AM
The best way to see the RAW data exchanged in between devices is via a BLE sniffer.
For more detail about the way a BLE mesh application can be developed and all details about the interface, please have a look at: an5292-how-to-build-a-bluetooth-low-energy-mesh-application-for-stm32wb-series-microcontrollers-stmicroelectronics.pdf